Do & Don’t (s)

OC / FanartsRealism / Elderly
BL (or any)NSFW
Slight Gore ; Blood / ScarsMecha / Armor

Terms & Conditions

✦ By commissioning Unearlive, the artist, it's assumed that you have read and agreed to our terms. Any issues afterwards will not be our responsibility.DO NOT use my artwork for anything related to AI image generators or NFTs.✦ Commissions are for personal use only.
Eg ; PFP / Wallpapers
Reproduction for commercial use is prohibited.
If you want to make personal merch, please do get permission from us first too. However, we will not be responsible if it does not turn out as you intended.
Commercial uses will be discussed in DMs.✦ You are free to repost the artwork on your social medias WITH CREDITS.✦ Depending on complexity, time will vary from 1 WEEK - 2 MONTHS. You will be informed if it takes longer.✦ Artwork without watermark will only be given after full payment.

Payment & Refund

✦ Payment ー
via PayPal or Ko-fi ; USD
via BCA ; IDR ( x 15000 )
✦ Full payment is needed before the artist starts on the commission.✦ No cancelling or demanding for a refund after payment is received. No refunds on completed commissions either.✦ If for any reasons that the artist is unable to start or finish your commission, you will receive a full refund.✦ The artist is allowed to reject any order if they are uncomfortable / unable to draw it.

Non-Disclosure Agreements

✦ I, the artist, may use the commissioned art in my portfolio or share it on my social media, unless it's requested to be private ー We will usually ask this after the end of our work.✦ If you have requested for your commission to be private, the art will only be shared between me, the artist and you, the client.✦ If you, the client, decided to break the NDA and cause your commission to get leaked, that will not be our responsibility. It's a YOU problem :)

About Changes

Please make sure that the references you send is clear of what you want.If you have pose/expressions reference in mind, please do tell us.Changes are allowed only during the rough sketch phase.✦ After sending the initial sketch for you to approve, please check if there are any required adjustments needed or it's assumed that there are no mistakes.✦ After the artist sends the completed artwork, if there are any changes that you want to make, there will be additional charges.

How To Order?

✦ DM us on Instagram to order or for any questions.✦ Example :
1. Type of commission : MEOW
2. Send all of your reference pictures. preferably drive
3. Share with us your character lore or personality, pose & expression ideas, etc.
4. Preferred payment method.
✦ We will DM you to confirm or reject your order.✦ Final artwork will be sent through email.